Can individuals and legal entities rely on the access to IS and the receipt of e-services? Unfortunately, the State Audit Office did not get a concrete answer during the audit: several problems were identified in relation to how state institutions assessed the accessibility of IS and how they generally managed IS. “First of all, the information provided by the state institutions on the accessibility level of IS and e-services is mostly based on opinions and not on facts because it is not clear how to measure accessibility: there is no calculation methodology and no indicators are accumulated to measure it. Secondly, information on the achieved accessibility level of IS and e-services is not collected at the national level. By eliminating these irregularities, the state administration could use financial resources and human resources more efficiently. Also, particular “weak links” would be identified in which improvements are most needed,” explained Ms Ilze Bādere, Member of the Council of the State Audit Council.




Combined (compliance / performance)




Audit and Methodology Department

Date of publication


Audited period

01.01.2019. - 31.12.2021.

Decision date


Audited entities

  • Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development
