When examining the use of additional funding allocated to the Ministry of the Interior from the budget program “Contingency Funds” for the purchase of personal protective equipment, disinfectants, and their packaging during the audit, the auditors could not assess whether the supplier selection process met pre-defined criteria understandable to all parties involved. Only during the coordination of the interim report, the Ministry of the Interior did inform the State Audit Office about the set criteria (the potential supplier responded to the offer immediately, offered a reasonable price, short delivery times, and did not request prepayment) and the position regarding documentation of procurement progress (ensuring protection of the employees urgently was more significant than specific documentation of each activity). However, when assessing the documents provided by the audited entities, that is, the Provision State Agency and the State Police, and the information provided by their officials, the auditors could not be confident that they had used any criteria in selecting potential cooperation partners and evaluating the submitted tenders, as one had documented the tender assessment process only partially. Consequently, not all decisions made in the process of purchasing personal protective equipment are traceable, and one cannot consider the procurement process as a whole cannot be transparent.


Internal Affairs






The Second Audit Department

Date of publication


Audited period


Audited entities

  • Ministry of the Interior
