State Audit Office of Latvia shares practise on recovery of losses at the XXIV INCOSAI


Auditor General of Latvia Rolands Irklis presented the experience of the State Audit Office of Latvia on the recovery of losses caused as a result of unlawful actions. The contribution was made during the side event of the XXIV International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) in Brazil on the benefits of SAIs with jurisdictional activities organised by the Cour des comptes of France.

During INCOSAI the heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) decide the organisation's planning and development documents, including the INTOSAI Strategy, approve the new versions of the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) and the results of the INTOSAI international working groups, initiate new solutions to the current challenges of SAIs, as well as agree on preventive steps to diminish future challenges. The congress is the key triennial event that shapes the future work of SAIs all over the world. 

The XXIV INCOSAI was guided by two main themes: “The work of Supreme Audit Institutions in the face of public calamities” and “Global voice, global outcome, and far-reaching impact”.