Expertise on behalf of international organizations


Individual experts of the State Audit Office are invited and participate in various projects implemented by international organizations and/or donors (OECD/Sigma, World Bank, a.o.). Our experts have provided the training and advisory services as well as performed assessments of reforms within a number of projects in Turkey, Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kyrgyzstan, Palestine, etc.


The expertise of the State Audit Office covers the areas related to the capacity of supreme audit institutions and aspects of public financial management, for example:

  • assessment of the progress of structural reforms in public internal financial control (PIFC) and external audit;
  • change management in a supreme audit institution;
  • communication between a supreme audit institution and its  stakeholders;
  • assessment of audit methodologies and practices to ensure compliance with international auditing standards (ISSAI);
  • auditing annual consolidated financial statements;
  • IT system audits and improvement of IT audit methodologies;
  • practical aspects of financial and performance auditing, etc.