Cooperation within the framework of EUROSAI

EUROSAI logoEUROSAI is a regional organization of INTOSAI established in 1990, and it currently unites 51 members (Supreme Audit Institutions of 50 European countries, and the European Court of Auditors). The State Audit Office became a full-fledged member of EUROSAI in 1995. The main objectives of the organization are to promote professional cooperation among the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from the European region, to encourage the exchange of information and documentation, to advance the study of public sector audit, to stimulate the formation of academic positions in this field and to work towards the harmonization of terminology of public audit.

In May 2017 the State Audit Office was elected to the EUROSAI Governing Board for the next six years. 

EUROSAI Congress meets in ordinary session every three years during which the heads of the SAIs decide on different important issues affecting the further work of the institutions. 

Within the framework of EUROSAI the State Audit Office operates in Working Group on Environmental Auditing, Information Technology Working Group, Task Force on Municipality Audit and Working Group on the Audit of Funds Allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes, EUROSAI Project Group on Auditing the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and EUROSAI Network for Ethics.


In performing the duties of a Member of the EUROSAI Governing Board and the Governance Portfolio “Relations with non-SAI stakeholders”, the State Audit Office manages: