Disasters and Catastrophes Auditing
The aim of the working group is to contribute to strengthening capacity of the European supreme audit institutions and to coordinate activities to help to develop effective and efficient tools for prevention and elimination of consequences caused by disasters and catastrophes. The working group was established in 2014 and currently comprises about 20 members from the supreme audit institutions of the European region.
The mission of the working group is to combine and coordinate the efforts of the European supreme audit institutions to raise awareness of disasters and to promote intergovernmental cooperation in developing effective and efficient tools for disaster prevention and response.
The training provided within the working group and the experience gained from other countries in auditing the area of disasters are useful for civil protection audits, as they provide a broader comparison of what aspects are relevant and which issues need more attention in this specific area, what is best practice in other countries, what should the action of the competent authority be at each stage of the disaster management cycle, and what one should directly assess in the actions of the competent authority and in the system as a whole.