Support to SAO of Georgia


Project title: Institutional Strengthening of the State Audit Office of Georgia - EuropeAid/137887/DH/SER/GE

Beneficiary: State Audit Office of Georgia

Budget and its source: 249 710 EUR, European Union


The project was organized under the following four thematic components:

  • strengthening of the independence of SAO in legal and practical terms according to the principles of the Mexico Declaration (ISSAI 10);
  • institutionalization of auditing and reporting capacities in the fields of compliance audit and inancial audit in accordance with ISSAI standards;
  • upscaling and institutionalization of modern IT technologies in the planning, implementation and monitoring of the whole audit process;
  • strengthening SAO’s technical capacities and advisory role in the context of the ongoing PFM reforms and the implementation of the Association Agreement with the European Union.


Implementer / Partners: GFA Consulting Group GmbH (Germany), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - International Services (GIZ) and State Audit Office of Latvia


Implementation time period: 2017 - 2020