EUROSAI Governing Board

In 2017, the State Audit Office was elected to the Governing Board of the European Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI). EUROSAI Governing Board is composed of eight members and currently the following SAIs are represented in the Governing Board – Czech Republic, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom. SAI Austria, Russian Federation, Norway and Portugal have observer status. The Governing Board tasks and responsibilities include overseeing the fulfillment of the Statutes of the EUROSAI, adopting the decisions necessary for the functioning of EUROSAI, adopting the draft budget of the EUROSAI as well as any other duties entrusted to them by the Congress. The mandate of a member of the Governing Board was obtained through serious competition, with the supreme audit institutions of the 50 EUROSAI Member States voting by secret ballot in two rounds.


The activities of the State Audit Office in the management of the organisation confirm the appraisal of foreign partners of the quality of the State Audit Office’s work and that the State Audit Office is an internationally recognised and modern audit institution that is capable of providing professional input at the international level as well.


The status of a member of the EUROSAI Governing Board provides an opportunity to highlight at the European level the issues being essential for the State Audit Office and concerning public sector auditing, and be in the epicentre of professional knowledge and experience exchange.


The EUROSAI is a regional organisation of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), which was established in 1990 and currently has 51 members: 50 European Supreme Audit Institutions and the European Court of Auditors.


Each of the eight members of the EUROSAI Governing Board is responsible for its own area of activity. Between 2017 and 2021, the State Audit Office was responsible for the Communication Portfolio, where the State Audit Office has contributed to the development of the strategic communication of the EUROSAI organisation. Since 2021, the State Audit Office is responsible for the Governance Portfolio “Relations with non-SAI stakeholders”. It is planned to improve the cooperation of EUROSAI members with civil society and stakeholders, as well as to strengthen the professional development and capacity of supreme audit institutions in cooperation with international organizations whose activities do not relate to auditing directly within the next three years. In implementing this Governance Portfolio, the State Audit Office manages:


More about the State Audit Office as a member of the EUROSAI Governing Board:

The State Audit Office will identify European best practices in the cooperation of SAIs with civil society (entire article...)

EUROSAI launches new project group at ECIIA Public sector forum (entire article...)

EUROSAI Takes Part In United Nations Climate Change Conference (entire article…)

Findings from the discussion “How to tackle climate change more effectively with available public funds?” (entire article …)

The State Audit Office will lead a discussion on the work of supreme audit institutions in achieving climate goals at the COP26 in Glasgow (entire article …)

Progress towards improving EUROSAI’s communication (entire article ...)

The EUROSAI’s Golden Circle (entire article ...)